Blue Safir Tbk. ئاپەکان

Radio Dangdut Icik Ihir 1.0
Blue Safir Tbk.
Radio Dangduts Icik Ihir ini kami buat dankamipersembahkan buat para pecinta musik dangdut di manapunkalianberada. Radio ini akan menemani kalian semua bergoyang icikihirsampai puas...hehehe...jangan lama berpikir untukmengunduhaplikasi radio ini karena aplikasi radio ini berbedadengan yanglainnya dengan cara menyetel yang sangat mudah...kaliantinggalpencet channel radio yang kalian pilih dan langsung menyalalalujangan lupa goyang icik ihirnya...kwkwkw...,kalo mau pindahchannelradio yang lainnya tinggal pencet channel lainnya dan sekalilagilangsung berbunyi...ingat...!! jangan mencari tombol PLAYmaupunSTOP karena ini otomatis bunyi...hehehe..mudah kanteman...trus mautunggu apa lagi...unduh buruan ya....Radio Dangduts IcikthisIhir we made and we dedicate for dangdut music lovers whereveryouare. This radio will accompany you all rocked icik ihiruntilsatisfied ... hehehe ... do not long thought todownloadapplications this radio because the radio application isdifferentfrom the others by setting a very easy ... you just pushthe radiochannel that you select and instantly lit up and then donot forgetto shake icik ihirnya ... kwkwkw ..., if you want to moveanotherradio channel just push the other channel and immediatelyrangagain ... remember ... !! Do not look for the PLAY and STOPbuttonsfor automatic sound ... hehehe..mudah're friends ... thenwant towait any longer ... download game ya ....
Radio Asyiknya Dangdut 1.0
Blue Safir Tbk.
Aplikasi Radio Asyik ini diramu dandisajikanuntuk para penikmat musik di Tanah Airdan di Seluruh belahan bumi dimana penikmat musik berada.Marilah kita bergoyang sambil diiringi alunan musik dariradiofavorit anda semua yang sudah kami ramu menjadi sebuahkaryaaplikasi radio streaming terASYIK dan terUPDATE.Cara menikmati Radio Asyik ini sangatlah mudah yaitu tinggalinstallaplikasi Asyik ini di Hape anda lalu pilihlah channelradiokesayangan anda dan langsung nikmati alunan lagu sambilbergoyangAsyik.Fun Radio app is mixedandpresented to music lovers in the countryand in the whole hemisphere where music lovers are.Let us sway while accompanied by music from your favoriteradioeverything we'd potion into a streaming radio app worksterasyikand updated.How to Enjoy a Fun Radio is very easy ie just installthisapplication Fun in Hape you then select your favorite radiochanneland enjoy instantly strains of the song while swayingFun.
Radio FM DHUT 1.0
Blue Safir Tbk.
Aplikasi Radio FM DHUT ini diramu dandisajikanuntuk para penikmat musik di Tanah Airdan di Seluruh belahan dunai dimana penikmat musik berada.Marilah kita bergoyang sambil diiringi alunan musik dariradiofavorit anda semua yang sudah kami ramu menjadi sebuahkaryaaplikasi radio streaming terASYIK dan terUPDATE.Cara menikmati Radio Asyik ini sangatlah mudah yaitu tinggalinstallaplikasi FM DHUT ini di Hape anda lalu pilihlah channelradiokesayangan anda dan langsung nikmati alunan lagusambilbergoyangAsyik.DHUT FM Radio app ismixedand presented to music lovers in the countryand in the whole hemisphere dunai where music lovers are.Let us sway while accompanied by music from your favoriteradioeverything we'd potion into a streaming radio app worksterasyikand updated.How to Enjoy a Fun Radio is very easy to install application thatisto stay in Hape FM DHUT you then select your favorite radiochanneland enjoy instantly rhythm of the song while rockingFun.
Lagu Ada Apa Dengan Cinta?2 1.0
Blue Safir Tbk.
Lagu OST Ada Apa Dengan Cinta?2terbarukamipersembahkan buat temen temen tercinta. Soundtrack filmAADC2terlaris yang membius muda mudi denganceritapercintaannya....hehehe....Lagu lagu melly goeslaw yang mendayu-dayu membius hatimudamudi....kekekek...jangan terlalu lama berpikir untuk mengunduh aplikasi inikarenaaplikasi ini berbeda dengan yang lainnya karena cara menyetelyangsangat mudah...teman teman tinggal pencet lagu yang kalianpilihdan langsung menyala lalu jangan lupa sambildihayatiya...hahaha...,kalo mau pindah lagu yang lainnya tinggalpencetjudul lagu lainnya yang teman teman suka dan sekali lagilangsungberbunyi...ingat...!! jangan mencari tombol PLAY maupunSTOP karenaini otomatis bunyi...hehehe..mudah kan teman...trus mautunggu apalagi...unduh buruan ya....terima kasih...OST songs Ada ApaDenganCinta? 2 Hot kamipersembahkan make friends dear friend. AADCmoviesoundtrack 2anesthetize the best-selling young couple with a romance story....hehehe ....Melly Goeslaw songs lilting heart anesthetize Amy not be too long thought to download this application becauseitis different from the others because I set a very easy ...friendsjust push the song you select and instantly lit up and thendo notforget he lived ... hahaha ... yes, if others want to movethe songtitle of the song just push more friends like and onceagaindirectly reads ... remember ... !! Do not look for the PLAYandSTOP buttons for automatic sound ... hehehe..mudah're friends...then want to wait any longer ... download game yes ....thanks...
Keroncong the legend song 1.0
Blue Safir Tbk.
keroncong is the legend song of java...youcanenjoy this song by downloading this app. I hope you very happytolistening this song..there is two version ofkeroncongsong...original keroncong and acoustic keroncong.justtisten..Click on the song you are going to listen , and youwillinstantly be able to listen to your favorite songs . withouthavingto squeeze play..simple...check it out...thanks...kroncong is thelegendsong of java ... you can enjoy this song by downloading thisapp. Ihope you very happy to listening this song..there kroncong istwoversion of the original song ... kroncong and acoustickroncong.just tisten..Click on the song you are going to listen,and youwill instantly be Able to listen to your favorite songs.withouthaving to squeeze play..simple ... check it out ...thanks...
Lagu Galau - Al Ghazali 1.0
Blue Safir Tbk.
Dengarkan dan hayati lagu Al Ghazalidenganhati roman yang paling dalam,rasakan,resapi dan tersenyumlahatauhayati dengan perasaan anda saat ini..install aplikasi,pilihdanmainkan.Disclaimer :aplikasi ini hanya memberikan fasilitas koneksi ke server dantidakmenyediakan fasilitas download karena dapat melanggarhakcipta.Listen andbiologicalsongs Al Ghazali with the ultimate in romance heart,feel, absorband smile or bio with your feelings when ini..installapplication,select and play.Disclaimer:This app only provides facilities to connect to the server anddoesnot provide the facility to download because it caninfringecopyright.
Radio Disco and Party Song 1.0
Blue Safir Tbk.
Radio application , we dedicate for loversandparty songs Disco World TOP favored us all ... do not we alllongthought to download applications this radio because theradioapplication is different from the others by setting a veryeasy just push the channel radio that you choose and directlight upand then do not forget to enjoy the songs of his whistling... , ifyou want to move another radio channel just push the otherchanneland immediately rang again ... remember ... !! Do not lookfor thePLAY and STOP buttons for automatic sound ... hehehe..mudah'refriends ... then want to wait any longer ... download now...thanks.Aplikasi Radio ini kami persembahkan buat pecinta lagu laguDiscodan pesta TOP Dunia kesayangan kita semua...jangan lamaberpikiruntuk mengunduh aplikasi radio ini karena aplikasi radioini berbedadengan yang lainnya dengan cara menyetel yang sangatmudah...kaliantinggal pencet channel radio yang kalian pilih danlangsung menyalalalu jangan lupa sambil bersiul menikmatilagu2nya...kwkwkw...,kalomau pindah channel radio yang lainnyatinggal pencet channel lainnyadan sekali lagi langsungberbunyi...ingat...!! jangan mencari tombolPLAY maupun STOP karenaini otomatis bunyi...hehehe..mudah kanteman...trus mau tunggu apalagi...unduh buruan ya...Radio application,wededicate for lovers and party songs Disco World TOP favored usall... do not we all long thought to download applications BecauseTheradio radio this application is different from the othersbysetting a very easy ... you just push the radio channel thatyouchoose and direct light up and then do not forget to enjoythesongs of his whistling ..., if you want to move anotherradiochannel just push the other channel and Immediately rang again...remember ... !! Do not look for the PLAY and STOP buttonsforautomatic sound ... hehehe..mudah 're friends ... then want towaitany longer ... download now ... thanks.Radio application, we dedicate for lovers and party songsDiscoWorld TOP favored us all ... do not long thought todownloadapplications this radio because the radio application isdifferentfrom the others by setting a very easy ... you just pushthe radiochannel you pick and immediately lit up and then do notforgetwhistling enjoy lagu2nya ... kwkwkw ..., if you want tomoveanother radio channel just push the other channel andimmediatelyrang again ... remember ... !! Do not look for the PLAYand STOPbuttons for automatic sound ... hehehe..mudah're friends... thenwant to wait any longer ... download game ya ...
Dangdut LOLITA 1.0
Blue Safir Tbk.
Kumpulan lagu Dangdut favorit dariLOLITAkhusus buat teman teman pecinta dangdut mania. jangan terlalulamaberpikir untuk mengunduh aplikasi ini karena aplikasi iniberbedadengan yang lainnya karena cara menyetel yang sangatmudah...temantean tinggal pencet lagu yang kalian pilih danlangsung menyalalalu jangan lupa goyangnya...hahaha...,kalo maupindah lagu yanglainnya tinggal pencet judul lagu lainnya yangteman teman suka dansekali lagi langsung berbunyi...ingat...!!jangan mencari tombolPLAY maupun STOP karena ini otomatisbunyi...hehehe..mudah kanteman...trus mau tunggu apa lagi...unduhburuan ya....terimakasih...Dangdut songs favoritesetof special LOLITA make friends lovers dangdut mania. do not betoolong thought to download this application because it isdifferentfrom the others because I set a very easy ... friend teanjust pushthe song you select and instantly lit up and then do notforgetrocking ... hahaha ..., if you want to move other songtitles justpush the other songs that friends like and once againdirectly reads... remember ... !! Do not look for the PLAY andSTOP buttons forautomatic sound ... hehehe..mudah're friends ...then want to waitany longer ... download game yes .... thanks...
Radio TOP TEN Music 1.0
Blue Safir Tbk.
Aplikasi Radio ini kami persembahkanbuatpecinta lagu lagu barat dari penyanyi penyanyi TOP Duniakesayangankita semua...jangan lama berpikir untuk mengunduhaplikasi radioini karena aplikasi radio ini berbeda dengan yanglainnya dengancara menyetel yang sangat mudah...kalian tinggalpencet channelradio yang kalian pilih dan langsung menyala lalujangan lupasambil bersiul menikmati lagu2nya...kwkwkw...,kalo maupindahchannel radio yang lainnya tinggal pencet channel lainnyadansekali lagi langsung berbunyi...ingat...!! jangan mencaritombolPLAY maupun STOP karena ini otomatis bunyi...hehehe..mudahkanteman...trus mau tunggu apa lagi...unduh buruan ya...The Radio applicationweoffer for lovers of western songs of the singer's favoritesingerWorld TOP ... do not we all long thought to downloadapplicationsthis radio because the radio application is differentfrom theothers by setting a very easy ... you just push the channelradiothat you choose and direct light up and then do notforgetwhistling enjoy lagu2nya ... kwkwkw ..., if you want tomoveanother radio channel just push the other channel andimmediatelyrang again ... remember ... !! Do not look for the PLAYand STOPbuttons for automatic sound ... hehehe..mudah're friends... thenwant to wait any longer ... download game ya ...
Dangdut Orkes PALAPA 1.0
Blue Safir Tbk.
Lagu lagu dangdut favorit Orkes PALAPA inikamipersembahkan buat teman teman pecinta musik dangdut. Kamiberharapteman teman semua bisa terhibur setelah menikmati lagu2nya OrkesPALAPA diantaranya :Jangan Tinggalkan AkuBirunya CintaCuma Kamujangan terlalu lama berpikir untuk mengunduh aplikasi inikarenaaplikasi ini berbeda dengan yang lainnya karena cara menyetelyangsangat mudah...teman tean tinggal pencet lagu yang kalian pilihdanlangsung menyala lalu jangan lupa goyangnya...kwkwkw...,kalomaupindah lagu yang lainnya tinggal pencet judul lagu lainnyayangteman teman suka dan sekali lagi langsungberbunyi...ingat...!!jangan mencari tombol PLAY maupun STOP karenaini otomatisbunyi...hehehe..mudah kan teman...trus mau tunggu apalagi...unduhburuan ya....terima kasih...Dangdut songfavoritePalapa orchestra, we dedicate made friends dangdut musiclovers. Wehope all friends can be entertained after enjoying hislagu2 PALAPAOrchestra among others:Do not leave meblue LoveOnly youdo not be too long thought to download this applicationbecauseit is different from the others because I set a very easy...friend tean just push the song you select and instantly lit upandthen do not forget rocking ... kwkwkw ..., if you want tomoveother song titles just push the other songs that friends likeandonce again directly reads ... remember ... !! Do not look forthePLAY and STOP buttons for automatic sound ...hehehe..mudah'refriends ... then want to wait any longer game yes ....thanks ...
Radio Dangdut Plus Plus ++ 1.0
Blue Safir Tbk.
Radio Dangduts plus plus ini kami buat dankamipersembahkan buat para pecinta musik dangdut di manapunkalianberada. Radio ini akan menemani kalian semua bergoyangngeborsampai puas...hehehe...jangan lama berpikir untukmengunduhaplikasi radio ini karena aplikasi radio ini berbedadengan yanglainnya dengan cara menyetel yang sangat mudah...kaliantinggalpencet channel radio yang kalian pilih dan langsung menyalalalujangan lupa goyang icik ihirnya...kwkwkw...,kalo mau pindahchannelradio yang lainnya tinggal pencet channel lainnya dan sekalilagilangsung berbunyi...ingat...!! jangan mencari tombol PLAYmaupunSTOP karena ini otomatis bunyi...hehehe..mudah kanteman...trus mautunggu apa lagi...unduh buruan ya....terimakasih...Radio Dangduts plusthisplus we made and we dedicate for dangdut music lovers whereveryouare. This radio will accompany you all rocked ngeboruntilsatisfied ... hehehe ... do not long thought todownloadapplications this radio because the radio application isdifferentfrom the others by setting a very easy ... you just pushthe radiochannel that you choose and immediately lit up and then donotforget to shake icik ihirnya ... kwkwkw ..., if you want tomoveanother radio channel just push the other channel andimmediatelyrang again ... remember ... !! Do not look for the PLAYand STOPbuttons for automatic sound ... hehehe..mudah're friends... thenwant to wait any longer ... download game yes .... thanks...
Radio Barat Sweet Memory 1.0
Blue Safir Tbk.
Channel Radio Lagu Barat Sweet Memorymusisiterkenal tahun 1970 sampai 1990...Aplikasi Radio inikamipersembahkan buat pecinta lagu lagu barat dari penyanyipenyanyiTOP Dunia dari tahun 1970 sampai 1990 kesayangankitasemua..semuanya ada di stasiun radio ini..Mungkin teman temansemuapernah ada kenangan indah dimasa lalu.yangromantis...hehe...segeradownload aplikasi ini biar nggak nyeselseumur hidup...jangan lamaberpikir untuk mengunduh aplikasi radioini karena aplikasi radioini berbeda dengan yang lainnya dengancara menyetel yang sangatmudah...kalian tinggal pencet channelradio yang kalian pilih danlangsung menyala lalu jangan lupa sambilbersiul menikmatilagu2nya...kwkwkw...,kalo mau pindah channel radioyang lainnyatinggal pencet channel lainnya dan sekali lagilangsungberbunyi...ingat...!! jangan mencari tombol PLAY maupunSTOP karenaini otomatis bunyi...hehehe..mudah kan teman...trus mautunggu apalagi...unduh buruan ya...We dedicate this radio songs for lovers of memory from 1970to1990 for those of you lovers of song memory that can bereminiscentof past memories , please download this applicationimmediately .do not we all long thought to download applicationsthis radiobecause the radio application is different from theothers bysetting a very easy ... you just push the channel radiothat youchoose and direct light up and then do not forget to enjoythesongs of his whistling ... , if you want to move anotherradiochannel just push the other channel and immediately rang again...remember ... !! Do not look for the PLAY and STOP buttonsforautomatic sound ... hehehe..mudah 're friends ... then want towaitany longer ... download now ... thanks.Channel RadioSongsSouthwestern Sweet Memory famous musician in 1970 and 1990 ...wededicate Radio app for lovers of western songs of singer singerTOPWorld from 1970 to 1990 our favorite radio stationsemua..semuanyain ini..Mungkin friend all friends never any fondmemories of thedays lalu.yang romantic ... hehe ... immediatelydownload this applet me not regret a lifetime ... do not longthought to downloadapplications this radio because radioapplication is different fromthe others by adjusting the very easy... you just push the radiochannel that you choose and direct lightup and then do not forgetwhistling enjoy lagu2nya ... kwkwkw ...,if you want to moveanother radio channel just push the otherchannel and once againdirectly reads ... remember...!! Do not lookfor the PLAY and STOPbuttons for automatic sound ...hehehe..mudah're friends ... thenwant to wait any longer game ya ...We dedicate this radio songs for lovers of memory from 1970to1990 for Reviews those of you lovers of song memory that canbereminiscent of past memories, please download thisapplicationImmediately. do not we all long thought to downloadapplicationsBecause The radio radio this application is differentfrom theothers by setting a very easy ... you just push the radiochannelthat you choose and direct light up and then do not forgetto enjoythe songs of his whistling ..., if you want to move anotherradiochannel just push the other channel and Immediately rang again...remember ... !! Do not look for the PLAY and STOP buttonsforautomatic sound ... hehehe..mudah 're friends ... then want towaitany longer ... download now ... thanks.
Lagu CENTINI MANIS Sinetron 1.0
Blue Safir Tbk.
Lagu Halalin Aku dari Dewi Persik ini yangadadi Sinetron CENTINI MANIS.Aplikasi ini kami buat untuk teman teman semua serta parapecintasinetron CENTINI MANIS yang di TIPI itu lho...pada taukan...masakgak tau seeh...hehehe....nah...ini lagu soundtracknyayang lagitrend...yang gini lho kira2 lagunya...JanganPegangpegang....iiiih...colak colek.......pada taukan....hhihi...jangan terlalu lama berpikir untuk mengunduh aplikasi inikarenaaplikasi ini berbeda dengan yang lainnya karena cara menyetelyangsangat mudah...teman teman tinggal pencet lagu HalalinAku-DewiPersik yang warna kuning itu ya... dan langsung menyalalalu janganlupa goyangnya...hahaha...,...ingat...!! jangan mencaritombol PLAYkarena ini otomatis bunyi...hehehe..kalo mau PAUSEtinggal pencettombol PAUSE...trus kalo mau kembali bunyi lagitinggal pencet lagiHalalin Aku-Dewi Persik yang kuningtadi....mudah kan teman...trusmau tunggu apa lagi...unduh buruanya....terima kasih...Halalin songs DewiPersikI of this that there are in the drama Centini SWEET.We make this application for all friends and lovers of soapoperasthat in TIPI SWEET Centini it you know ... the right ... tocookgak tau tau seeh ... hehehe .... nah ... this songsoundtracklonger trend ... the gini kira2 know the song ... Do nothold ...hold .... iiiih Colak dab in the know right ....... not be too long thought to download this application becauseitis different from the others because I set a very easy ...justpush the song friends Halalin I-Dewi Persik is yellow it yes...and immediately lit up and then do not forget rocking. ..hahaha...... remember ... !! Do not look for the PLAY button forautomaticsound ... hehehe..kalo want PAUSE just push the PAUSEbutton ...then the reply would come back again just push the soundagainHalalin I-Dewi Persik that yellow was .... eh friend .. .truswantto wait any longer ... download game yes .... thanks ...
Lagu Sinetron Daus Mini Kembar 1.0
Blue Safir Tbk.
Lagu Beby I Lope You dari Si Daus Mini yangadadi Sinetron Daus Mini Kembar.Aplikasi ini kami buat untuk teman teman semua serta parapecintasinetron Daus Mini Kembar yang di TIPI itu lho...padataukan...masak gak tau seeh...hehehe....nah...ini lagusoundtracknyayang lagi trend...yang gini lho kira2 lagunya...BebyIlopeyou...beby I lope you...aku cinta padamu...padataukan....hhihi...jangan terlalu lama berpikir untuk mengunduh aplikasi inikarenaaplikasi ini berbeda dengan yang lainnya karena cara menyetelyangsangat mudah...teman teman tinggal pencet lagu Beby I Lope Uyangwarna kuning itu ya... dan langsung menyala lalu janganlupagoyangnya...hahaha...,...ingat...!! jangan mencari tombolPLAYkarena ini otomatis bunyi...hehehe..kalo mau PAUSE tinggalpencettombol PAUSE...trus kalo mau kembali bunyi lagi tinggalpencet lagiBeby I Lope U yang kuning tadi....mudah kan teman...trusmau tungguapa lagi...unduh buruan ya....terima kasih...You Beby I Lope song ofSiDaus Soap Opera Mini in Daus Mini Twins.We make this application for all friends and lovers of soapoperasDaus Mini Twins in the TIPI know ... the right ... to cookgak tautau seeh ... hehehe .... nah ... this song soundtrack thatagain... the gini trend kira2 know the song ... BebyI lope beby Ilopeyou ... you ... I love you ... in the know right not be too long thought to download this application becauseitis different from the others because I set a very easy ...justpush friends Beby song I Lope U yellow ya ... and immediatelylitup and then do not forget rocking .. .hahaha ... ... remember...!! Do not look for the PLAY button for automatic sound...hehehe..kalo want PAUSE just push the PAUSE button ... thenthereply would come back again just push the sound again Beby ILope Uyellow friend was .... eh ... then want to wait any game yes .... thanks ...
Blue Safir Tbk.
Lagu dari OM ORKES PANTURA khusus buantemanteman Dangduters tercinta....Kami berharap teman teman semua bisa terhibur setelahmenikmatilagu2 nya ORKES PANTURA diantaranya :Disimpang JalanBukan Yang Pertamajangan terlalu lama berpikir untuk mengunduh aplikasi inikarenaaplikasi ini berbeda dengan yang lainnya karena cara menyetelyangsangat mudah...teman tean tinggal pencet lagu yang kalian pilihdanlangsung menyala lalu jangan lupa goyangnya...kwkwkw...,kalomaupindah lagu yang lainnya tinggal pencet judul lagu lainnyayangteman teman suka dan sekali lagi langsungberbunyi...ingat...!!jangan mencari tombol PLAY maupun STOP karenaini otomatisbunyi...hehehe..mudah kan teman...trus mau tunggu apalagi...unduhburuan ya....terima kasih...Songs of OMOrchestraSpecial PANTURA buan Dangduters dear friends ....We hope all friends can be entertained after enjoying hisorchestralagu2 PANTURA include:disimpang RoadNot the firstdo not be too long thought to download this applicationbecauseit is different from the others because I set a very easy...friend tean just push the song you select and instantly lit upandthen do not forget rocking ... kwkwkw ..., if you want tomoveother song titles just push the other songs that friends likeandonce again directly reads ... remember ... !! Do not look forthePLAY and STOP buttons for automatic sound ...hehehe..mudah'refriends ... then want to wait any longer game yes ....thanks ...
Lagu JUDIKA paling Favorit 1.0
Blue Safir Tbk.
Judika dengan lagu lagunya yang telahkamiseleksi ketat sehingga tercipta sebuah aplikasi khusus lagulagunyaJUDIKA yang paling digandrungi para pecintaJUDIKAmaniac...hehehe....diantaranya :Setengah Hati MerinduSampai Kau Jadi Milik kuCinta Satukan KitaMerelakannyaSampai AkhirBagi muda mudi yang lagi dilanda cinta cinta silahkan unduhaplikasiini biar gak BT...kwkwkw...jangan terlalu lama berpikir untuk mengunduh aplikasi inikarenaaplikasi ini berbeda dengan yang lainnya karena cara menyetelyangsangat mudah...teman tean tinggal pencet lagu yang kalian pilihdanlangsung menyala lalu jangan lupa ikutnyanyiya......kwkwkw...,kalo mau pindah lagu yang lainnya tinggalpencetjudul lagu lainnya yang teman teman suka dan sekali lagilangsungberbunyi...ingat...!! jangan mencari tombol PLAY maupunSTOP karenaini otomatis bunyi...hehehe..mudah kan teman...trus mautunggu apalagi...unduh buruan ya....terima kasih...Judith with the songthesong that we have strict selection so as to create aspecialapplication songs most loved songs Judith Judith loversmaniac ...hehehe .... including:Half Heart MerinduUntil You're So I BelongLove unite uslet it goUntil the endFor the young couple were again hit by love love pleasedownloadthis application not let BT ... kwkwkw not be too long thought to download this application becauseitis different from the others because I set a very easy ...friendtean just push the song you select and instantly lit up andthen donot forget to come sing ya ...... kwkwkw .. ., if you wantto moveanother song title song just push more friends like and onceagaindirectly reads ... remember ... !! Do not look for the PLAYandSTOP buttons for automatic sound ... hehehe..mudah're friends...then want to wait any longer ... download game yes ....thanks...
Radio FM Malaysia 1.0
Blue Safir Tbk.
Radio ini terdiri dari berbagai macamchanelyang bisa menemani teman-teman semua dikalaberakifitas.Sangatmudah mengaktifkannya tinggal klik chanel radiotujuannya lalutunggu sebentar.semua akan beroperasi segera tapiharus ada pulsadata.Macam-macam channel:- Afo Radio - IKIM FM- ERA FM - RTM FM- CAT FM - Siaraya FM- Trengganu FM - Kamek FM- CT FM - Samudra FM- Hamisabaikom FM - RED FM- Mutiara FM - Kota Batu FM- Free Serawak Radio - MMU FM- Melaka Radio - Dan Masih banyak macamnya.Radio is composed ofavariety of channels that can accompany all my friends whenhisberakifitas.Sangat easily activate just click and wait foritsradio channel sebentar.semua will operate immediately but musthavea pulse data.Various channel: - Afo Radio - FM IKIM                                    -ERAFM - FM RTM                                    -CATFM - FM Broadcast                                    -TerengganuFM - FM Kamek                                    -CTFM - Ocean FM                                    -HamisabaikomFM - RED FM                                    -PearlFM - FM Batu                                    -FreeSarawak Radio - FM MMU                                    -MelakaRadio - And Still many kinds.
Radio English Favorit 1.0
Blue Safir Tbk.
Channel di radio ini berisi dari berbagaimacamchannel yang cukup untuk menemani anda di segalasuasana,asyik,segar dan menenangkan serta menambah semangat jugatersedia.dariyang klasik,jazz,atau pop dan juga ada channel radioyang berisilagu lagu terbaru saat ini.Caranya sangat simple-,sediakan data kuota teman-teman laluinstalidi HaPe kamu- Klik lalu pilih Channel yang kamu suka tunggu sebentar,laluklikplay.- Enjoy the music.Channel in thisradiochannel lists from various enough to accompany you in alltheatmosphere, fun, fresh and soothing and pep alsotersedia.dariclassical, jazz, pop and there is also a radio channelthatcontains the most current songs.It is very simple-, provide the data quota and instali friendsonyour mobile phone                                 -Clickand select Channel you like wait a minute, and thenclickplay.                                 -Enjoythe music.
Marhaban Yaa Ramadhan 1.0
Blue Safir Tbk.
Buan suci Ramadhan sebentar lagitiba...Marilahkita mulai mempersiapkan diri menyambut bulan suciyang penuh rahmatini. Mulai sekarang isi lah hati kita dengan nadanada yang bisamembuat hati kita semakin mendekat pada NYA.Sehingga begitu Bulanyang suci nanti tibba, kita sudah benar benarsiap menyambutnyadengan hati yang ikhlas. Apikasi lagu MarhabanYaa Ramadhan inisengaja kami buat supaya hati kita mulai darisekarang sudahdiingatkan bahwa sebentar lagi Ramadhan akantiba.Segera download aplikasi ini biar nggak nyesel seumurhidup...janganlama berpikir untuk mengunduh aplikasi ini karenaaplikasi iniberbeda dengan yang lainnya dengan cara menyetel yangsangatmudah...kalian tinggal pencet judul lagu yang kalian pilihdanlangsung menyala lalu jangan lupa sambil merenungi danmenghayatilagu2nya...,kalo mau pindah lagu yang lainnya tinggalpencet judullagunya dan sekali lagi langsung berbunyi...ingat...!!janganmencari tombol PLAY maupun STOP karena iniotomatisbunyi...hehehe..mudah kan teman...trus mau tunggu apalagi...unduhburuan ya...Buan Ramadan willarrivesoon ... Let's start preparing for the holy month which isfull ofgrace. From now fill our hearts with the tone was the tonethat canmake our hearts nearer to the HIS. So once sacred MonthslaterTibba, we're really ready to welcome him with a sincereheart.Apikasi Marhaban songs Yaa Ramadhan is deliberately made sothatour hearts start now been reminded that Ramadan willsoonarrive.Immediate download this app let me not regret a lifetime ... donotlong thought to download this application because it isdifferentfrom the others by setting a very easy ... you just pushthe titlesong you select and instantly lit up and then do notforget whilecontemplate and appreciate lagu2nya ..., if you want tomoveanother song just push the title song and immediately rangagain... remember ... !! Do not look for the PLAY and STOP buttonsforautomatic sound ... hehehe..mudah're friends ... then want towaitany longer ... download game ya ...